

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund

An ETF is a fund that can be purchased and sold on an exchange like a stock (hence the name). ETFs give you a way to buy and sell a basket of stocks without having to buy each stock individually.


An ETF is purchased and sold like a company stock during the day when the stock exchanges are open. Like a stock, an ETF has a ticker symbol (Ours is HKND) and intraday price data can be easily obtained during the course of the trading day.

Unlike a company stock, the number of shares outstanding of an ETF can change daily because of the continuous creation of new shares and the redemption of existing shares. The ability of an ETF to issue and redeem shares on an ongoing basis keeps the market price of ETFs in line with their underlying securities.

Why are ETFs so Popular?

Lower Risk

Unlike owning a single stock, an ETF is made up of a basket of different preselected securities. As an investor in an ETF, you are less reliant on the performance of any single stock which helps minimize your potential losses. In finance lingo we call this diversification.


Lower Risk

Potentially Lower Fees

One of the potential advantages of ETFs is that they generally have lower fees than Mutual Funds. For investors, the lower this fee the better! Coincidentally the fee for our HKND ETF is just 11 basis points, which means that for every $10,000 you invest, you only get charged $11 annually.


Potentially Lower Fees

Why Humankind US Stock ETF?

At Humankind, we believe our ETF is an effective tool to change how company performance is analyzed. By covering approximately 1000 companies, we look beyond corporate profitability and focus on how a company builds a better society and planet – and we do it in a quantitative way.

Our approach aims to safeguard both the financial interests of investors, and the economic interests of humanity more broadly. Check us out!


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